A blog about us. our lives. our struggles. our victories.

Rob and Anne-marie

Rob and I have had this running joke, it’s a saying we’d often say in jest about how the next year would be so much better. We’d reflect throughout the year whenever something tough would happen, whether it be managing a hospital stay, business challenges, relationship challenges…whatever we were going through that we were having […]

“We often pray to be delivered from calamities; we even trust that we shall be; but we do not pray to be made what we should be, in the very presence of the calamities, to live amid them, as long as they last, in the consciousness that we are held and sheltered by the Lord […]

Reagan is starting to talk more. It. Is. Amazing. She’s six, and has just starting stringing multiple words together. This is something we (collectively, my family and anyone else who has prayed) have prayed diligently for, for over five years. Have you ever wanted something so badly you didn’t think you would be able to […]

As 2018 winds down, Rob and I sat down to reflect what this past year has looked like. And more importantly, we wanted to document things we never want to forget from this past year. I’m not a scrapbooker, we rarely print pictures. Social media documents our progress and this blog knits the highs and […]

You know what’s crazy about open cuts and wounds? They heal. We often say time heals all wounds but I tend to disagree with that statement. As a person who has had lots of wounds, other than just this massive physical wound that’s healed on top of my head, I think a more accurate statement […]

Ok, so I know the last blog was about making it to the mountain top, and yes, the metaphors that go along with that and our life are poignant, but it dawned on me, that mountains still have rocky terrain. You’ve got the view and perspective of where you’ve been when you get to the top, […]

Four years ago, if you told me that we’d travel to another country WITH Reagan, I’d say you’re crazy. But here we are, on top of mountains, doing things we never even dreamed our family could partake in. This trip is exceedingly, abundantly more, than we could have ever imagined. Guys, there’s snow, in JULY! […]

What a difference a year makes! You hear people say that all the time, because in hindsight, problems or circumstances can be completely different in a year. What we don’t often hear is what a difference three years makes. Because that seems like an eternity, and it’s too hard envision all the work that will have […]

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