I’ve come to the conclusion that some kids are feral, they are wild, they beat to their own drum that isn’t sold on regular store shelves, it’s in the beyond, section.
As 2018 winds down, Rob and I sat down to reflect what this past year has looked like. And more importantly, we wanted to document things we never want to forget from this past year. I’m not a scrapbooker, we rarely print pictures. Social media documents our progress and this blog knits the highs and […]
This blog is written by both Rob and Anne-Marie. Indented and italicized paragraphs are written by Rob. We visited the Clinic for Special Children, in Lancaster, PA. There’s a reason we decided to come here, in the middle of Pennsylvania, Amish community. There’s a man here, Dr. Strauss, a world-renowned specialist in GA-1. He helped […]
Ok, so I know the last blog was about making it to the mountain top, and yes, the metaphors that go along with that and our life are poignant, but it dawned on me, that mountains still have rocky terrain. You’ve got the view and perspective of where you’ve been when you get to the top, […]
Four years ago, if you told me that we’d travel to another country WITH Reagan, I’d say you’re crazy. But here we are, on top of mountains, doing things we never even dreamed our family could partake in. This trip is exceedingly, abundantly more, than we could have ever imagined. Guys, there’s snow, in JULY! […]
When everything is taken from you and your normal is shattered, it’s impossible to know where to start to put the pieces back together. Especially at the beginning. Once you begin getting the shape of your new normal, a piece falls off. Maybe it wasn’t meant to stick. Maybe the glue that was holding it […]
What a difference a year makes! You hear people say that all the time, because in hindsight, problems or circumstances can be completely different in a year. What we don’t often hear is what a difference three years makes. Because that seems like an eternity, and it’s too hard envision all the work that will have […]
One Year Ago. Part 2. Exactly one year to the day. Do you ever have those moments where your whole heart breaks in two for your child? It’s happened a lot, but this past weekend I realized I needed to up my parenting game on the spot. It wasn’t just any teachable moment, it was […]
Ever feel like you’re just surviving and hanging on by a thread? Yet somehow you muster enough strength to get to the end of the day, collapsing at the finish line, staying asleep there, only to wake up at the beginning of the race come morning? This feels like my current life stage, it’s my […]
We’ve been starting our days around 4 a.m., sometimes earlier. Certainly not by choice, but apparently, Santa needs to be rocked, tucked in, or put into a ballet leotard by Reagan. Either way. It’s early, and I’m tired. And hungry. And not amused How does she have the strength to pull this chair around the room? […]
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Here's some of our favorite moments.