What a Difference

March 12, 2018

What a difference a year makes!

You hear people say that all the time, because in hindsight, problems or circumstances can be completely different in a year. What we don’t often hear is what a difference three years makes. Because that seems like an eternity, and it’s too hard envision all the work that will have to happen between now and three years from now. Can’t it just be a year of work and everything get neatly tucked into place?

God does some of his greatest work in the struggle of the desert. You might not think God is in the desert, especially if you’re relying on your own faculties to get through it. The beauty of the desert is there’s NO way you’re going to feel fed or watered unless you look up to who can provide that. The desert is survival mode for everyone and everything. But the desert is also where God is most relied on and where he’s most desired. I think that’s why he puts us there to be honest.

The desert is for two things 1. developing something within us or 2. releasing something that has a grip on us.

Do we need to develop perseverance, conviction, trust?  Do we need to release control, possessions, pride or something else that’s not helpful? You can’t hold on to unnecessary things in the desert, because if it’s not helpful for survival, it’s dead weight and it has to go. The only thing you can hold on to is Jesus, the desert makes it abundantly clear who you need and where your eyes must shift in order to gain strength and hope.

Three years ago

We would pack up Reagan’s walker and go to the mall. Reagan couldn’t walk straight and being on wheels would sometimes make her push off her feet and go in circles, which she found hilarious. To be fair, it was super cute and funny but it also made me wonder, will we ever be able to walk the mall together? Three years ago she could only walk the length of about four or five stores and we couldn’t go into any stores because they’re not set up for a child in a walker who has trouble going straight. Honestly, my soul hurt so bad to go to the mall when we had to bring the walker. I had to mentally prepare…we will get stares, children will point and look to their parents for an explanation. The parents will look at us and shrug as if to say, “I don’t know what to say, please forgive me.”


Reagan is walking the mall back and forth, going into any store that looks interesting and having a GREAT time. This photo is angelic. Her shadow reminds me that angel armies have been protecting her, God has held her and us while we’ve been in the desert, and as we emerge into a land that has the fruit and riches of hard work, it is different than we expected, but we are here, still on the path God set forth; we didn’t arrive on our own strength or laurels. God paved the way, God gave us the strength so let me credit who it IS owed to so you know what I mean when I say, what a difference three years makes.

If you’re in the desert, please don’t give up. There are things you can only learn and develop within yourself while you’re in the desert. There’s no other place quite like the desert to learn perseverance or trust. There’s no other place quite like the desert to develop the amount of empathy or understanding God would like to see in you. You may want to rush it, but the desert is arduous, designed that way for you to stop trying to fix things on your own and rely on God. This process can’t be rushed and neither can gaining the character traits that are being developed inside of you.


Remember, being placed in the desert is a season, being placed in a meadow with flowers is also a season. There’s something to be gleaned from each season of life that God puts you in. I can look back to the harder seasons and while I didn’t love being there, I can be thankful and grateful for what I learned there. Keep going. Better seasons are ahead my friend.


comments +

  1. Diane Southard

    May 4th, 2018 at 1:35 pm

    Pure. Delight.
    My thoughts + words fall short ~ but my heart overflows <3

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