It’s 11 days post brain surgery and tumor removal. I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on so many events that have happened, not just in the last 11 days, but looking back on all of 2017 and the changes that happened. The thing I have gleaned most is how much I can trust God. How much provision he has, more than we could ever conceive in our finite minds.
Rob and I have had a lot of life shattering moments together and it’s given us the gift of perspective. The road to perspective would never be viewed as a gift though because it requires a shift in your focus and expectations in order to understand what’s truly important. Perspective is a windshield wiper that sorts through noise and distractions in order to clearly see thankfulness in the unknown road ahead, and trust allows the details that haven’t been figured out to just remain where they are. Just because you don’t know what’s ahead doesn’t mean you can’t walk in confidence when Jesus is leading. Maybe these blogs seem like they’re saying the same thing over and over but the amount of gratefulness and thankfulness God has given to me and to our family during this time is the only thing that seems relevant to talk about.
God’s Provision
Nannies: I haven’t mentioned how the weeks leading up to surgery looked, both of our amazing nannies were moving the week after my surgery. One was pursuing her masters at ‘Ole Miss for speech pathology and the other was moving to Tampa for her final internship in obtaining her speech masters degree from UCF. Both were completely available the week of my surgery to watch Reagan 24/7 so Rob could be in the hospital with me. Even when I was home, one was able to stay every night for a week to allow both Rob and I to rest. It was the most amazing last week with both of them and so special to have them during such a crucial time. Rob and I were able to find two new nannies and have them trained prior to my surgery…the new nannies shadowed the ones that were moving on and the transition was a dream. People might think having nannies is crazy, but our counselor told us long ago that it’s what we need in order to have margin in our life. We can not do this alone, we really can’t. And it’s been awesome to watch these young ladies pour into Reagan creatively, teaching her sign language, helping with her talker or art projects and she has flourished. Reagan has been totally amazing during this time, even with all the change. I really hope that she remembers how God showed up for our family. I hope she can see it. She knows mommy is recovering, she brings me blankets and as many stuffed animals that she can carry at a time, water, flowers, hand made cards and she’s been using her stethoscope to check me out.
We are so proud of her and so thankful for the support we have in our family.
My Surgeon: Basically I picked my surgeon b/c he was covered under my insurance. It’s not super easy to find a brain surgeon and the list of approved surgeons on our insurance was limited. After meeting with Dr. Wehman for the first time, we hopped on that train and kept chugging along. We learned along the way that having a dual trained surgeon, one competent in handling aneurysms and tumors would be the way to go, and Dr. Wehman was trained in both. It wasn’t something we thought we needed in the beginning, but in the end, it turned out to be exactly what we needed. He conveyed confidence in all of our appointments in his ability to handle either…it was shocking when I learned it was a tumor and how he described it’s growth and how odd it was. It appears we caught it early b/c if it continued to grow, it could have gone into more important lobes and b/c it was growing skinny like a tube, it could have been missed.
Work: I’ve already given my co-workers a shout out, but every single person I’m working with, buyers and sellers, have been wonderful. I’m so thankful that I’m able to work efficiently and effectively for my customers, AND that I have an amazing team backing me up during my recovery. So. Incredibly. Thankful.
Friends/Family: I literally have the best friends on the planet. They show up in droves during critical times and they’ve prayed for me like their own life depended on it. I’ve felt so much love from all of our friends, family and our church family. God has not left us hanging in any area of our life. I know in my heart I can trust him with absolutely everything going on in my life.
Provision. Provision. Provision. It’s plastered all over us and God is the one that has made sure we are lacking in nothing.
What is God up to? This ride we’re on is nuts, but I’m glad our family is tucked into a little nook under his massive wings. I pray I don’t ever waste the moments He’s given to me.
Thank you for reading and following and praying. I hope that somehow God speaks to you through our story…it’s the reason we share. We can’t be silent about how God shows up for us, and trust me, he wants to show up for you too. Release your tight grip and control and allow God to step in. I promise you will be changed in a great and eternal way.
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