I feel like there’s been a big elephant sitting on the blog and I’m going to talk about it.
About two months ago, I wrote about how we were going to Georgia to attend a healing conference in hopes that Reagan would be 100% healed by God. Well, I didn’t make a huge announcement about Reagan being instantaneously and miraculously healed so I gather anyone who’s a regular reader here kind of figured it didn’t happen.
But God did show up. My mom was healed of arthritis in her hands and she felt so guilty. “That’s not why we’re here,” she told me with tears in her eyes. But who can say “no” when God’s working a healing? She used to have to use two hands to move her gear shift in her car, but now she doesn’t have to.
A lot of people prayed over Reagan and got to hear her story and listen to the many miracles God has already done in Reagan’s life. It was an awesome trip. Reagan did amazing enduring such a long car ride with NO accidents for a newly trained potty user. We were so proud of her. We had the most amazing group too; if we had to do it all over again, knowing that Reagan wouldn’t be miraculously healed, we would 100% do it again. It was one of the best trips we’ve had as a family since Reagan’s crisis. Of course we were disappointed we didn’t have the exact result we wanted, instantly, but we were obedient in going…God’s ways are higher, we just have to take the steps he asks us to.
New things
Reagan started a new therapy that another GA-1 mom recommended and I have to say it’s pretty incredible. I don’t think I will be able to explain it succinctly here on the blog, so here’s a link, but I’ve seen actual changes in Reagan at therapy, during therapy, and following therapy. For instance, she lost her balance, balanced on one leg in a cheerleading like move for about four seconds, and then repositioned her hips and body to continue walking. The therapy is supposed to help organize connections through out her body to her brain, which in turn would help everything, eating, talking etc. Other improvements we’ve seen is her ability to self feed, and a little more vocalizations/verbalizations. The other day she walked into our room when she woke up, went to Rob and said Dada, and bathroom. We thought we were dreaming, but we both heard it. Rob and I drive to Melbourne, FL for the therapy, since that’s where the closest person who does it is located, and we do two, hour long sessions in one day, broken up with an hour in between for a break. We are very excited for what’s to come.
The other thing we are looking into is a brain plasticity center here near UCF, here’s their information. I’ve been in communication with Reagan’s Dr.’s about it and recently attended a lecture by Dr. Antonucci to learn more information. From my discussions and emails with the center and the Dr.’s it seems this could be a valuable treatment for Reagan. They focus on exercising the brain to help stimulate the brain and I’ve posted a video below to help you understand what they do. The lead Dr. at the Brain Plasticity Center, studied under Dr. Carrick for two years and brought what they do, here to Orlando.
The cost for treatment is expensive, $7,500 for one week of treatment. Treatment includes three therapies a day for five days in a row. We are working toward pursuing this treatment for Reagan, and have updated our fundraising page for this particular therapy, and we would like to do another auction. If you’re interested in participating in another Love for Reagan auction, please comment on this blog and I will follow up with you so we can start putting it together.
That’s all we’ve got. Thank you for following and for your support. It means so much.
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