
September 13, 2014

Filed in: God, Homepage, Reagan

We received Reagan’s EEG results on Thursday.


Her Neurologist was so pleased. No seizure activity at all…he said that’s either due to her brain normalizing and calming back down, OR the medications are working so much that no remnants of seizure activity can be detected. Rob and I truly believe it’s our Great Physician who is healing and continuing to heal. B/c even being on seizure meds, you would still be able to see seizure activity, and then just realize that the meds were working. And the EEG was completely normal.

Every day with Reagan is getting better. I had a friend tell me that although she reads the blogs, she still wanted to know how we were doing. I told her that five months ago, neither of us wanted to get out of bed. I didn’t want to face the reality of my life. But today, I can embrace it. I can embrace the fact that I have a special needs daughter, who is making incredible strides and blowing everyone’s minds. But, that does not come instantly.

Going through anything traumatic requires time to process, grieve, heal, etc. I don’t think we’d be very honest with ourselves if we just carried on as if nothing changed. These little victories, which are really HUMONGOUS victories, like normal EEGs are only b/c we are praying, you are praying and God is healing, not only Reagan, but us.

We can feel God hanging out in our house more than ever, likely b/c we’ve invited him constantly as we realize how much we need him. Whether you know it or not, all of our lives hang on a thread that is tattered…one move can break it. The fragility of life is much more evident to us now, and it’s why we have chosen to live more intentionally for God. Things that mattered before aren’t as important now. All that to say, we are very thankful to serve a God who wants to be involved in every facet of our lives, if we’d just let him. He’s in our living room, in the kitchen sitting next to Reagan in her high chair, helping her swallow food and drink water.


He’s in her room, healing her when we’re all sleeping and one day, we’ll meet him and thank him for all he’s done. Not only that, we’ll be completely healed, physically, emotionally, mentally…we’ll be whole.

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  1. Sandra

    September 13th, 2014 at 8:46 pm

    Thrilled that you are being so blessed through the grace of God, your commitment, the doctors and beautiful Reagan getting well, stronger and her love of life shining through…xoxoxo

  2. Monica Richter

    September 14th, 2014 at 5:05 am

    Amén. Amén. Amén. Que hermoso!


    September 14th, 2014 at 2:59 am

    The great physician is doing His job. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Rob and AnneMarie for your commitment and love for Reagan.
    God knew she needed you. You are amazing parents.

  4. Brynne

    September 15th, 2014 at 2:43 am

    Reagan seeing you both gracefully handle tough situations will teach her to do so as well.
    I’ve seen my nephew (spina bifida) reply to negative comments about his wheelchair. He said he’s glad he has one because it’s fun to spin around in and it’s really cool. He was 8 at the time, and some boys had said to him they were glad they didn’t need one. My heart shattered until I heard his response and saw his beautiful heart shine past their clouds. He doesn’t have nearly the parental support Reagan has and she will keep astonishing you with her love and grace as well.

  5. Brynne

    September 15th, 2014 at 2:45 am

    (I meant for this to post on the Compassion entry.)

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