In America…

June 10, 2014

Today Rob took Reagan to therapy and I was able to get a glorious nap, which helped to make up for my 5 a.m. wake up call. While in the waiting room, he spoke to a little boy’s grandmother about the little boy who was there for therapy.

The grandmother told Rob that he was five and was adopted just a year prior at four years of age. When he was born, he was only one pound. One. Pound. He was not expected to live and spent an entire year in the NICU. His parents did not want him. So after being in the NICU for a year, he was transferred to a state run children’s home. The home wasn’t a facility, but more like a single family home. He was tube fed the entire time he was there, so for four years, he had never had food in his mouth. And the children’s home never let him walk either. So at four…he could not walk, never had food…and the care takers at the children’s home also thought he couldn’t learn anything. Turns out, he just couldn’t see very well…glasses fixed that.

When the parents adopted him he walked within two months. He was running in the waiting room today. He also eats food…started out with baby food and is currently still on purees while they are trying solid foods. He still can’t swallow liquids, so he gets all his liquid through the G-tube. As far as learning…once he had glasses, he could understand more clearly what was going on. Rob said he may have had a breathing tube at one time…he had a little trouble talking, and that was probably one of the therapies he was going to.

The grandmother said, taking care of him is so hard, but worth it. Everyone is amazed at what he is doing. And to think, he was just left in a crib…no one took the time to help him walk, figure out if he needed glasses, or tried to feed him actual food. No one took the time. No one took an interest. No one showed him love. He just laid there, like in a third world orphanage…except it’s in America…and somewhere in Florida. Apparently in America, we don’t want orphanages to be seen, I couldn’t even tell you where the nearest American orphanage is. B/c this is America and if we can just block that reality from our minds, then it’s not happening, right? Not letting a child walk? Not letting them try food? What a travesty.


blueberries baby!

Reagan could have been that baby. Reagan could have been forgotten, unloved and passed over. I think about that all the time. I don’t mention a lot about Reagan’s birth mother, b/c that story is for Reagan to know and it will be her decision what she wants share with others. But her birth mother knew she could not care for Reagan and she made a very  brave choice to place her with a family who she hoped and prayed would care for her and provide her with anything she might need.

June 8th marked two months since Reagan’s crisis and yesterday during her nap she was in a full straddle face down. Rob and I watched the monitor wondering, “what the heck is she doing?” She started moving her arms, and her hands and got them in position to push up and sit…she did it twice. It was HUGE. She sat for a few seconds and then spilled over, but she is re-learning. When she sits, she wobbles, but catches herself when she falls forward, catches herself a little bit when going to the side…and when she falls back on to us, she tries to pull herself back up, and often does so successfully.

She is getting her skills back. And that’s b/c you are praying…we are all praying to Jehova Rapha, which means the Lord who heals you.

…I am the Lord who heals you. – EXODUS 15:26 


comments +

  1. Bev Steinebronn

    June 10th, 2014 at 1:30 am


  2. Thelma

    June 10th, 2014 at 12:58 pm

    My heart swells within me and overwhelming tears fill my eyes everytime I see what God is doing for Reagan. He rescued Reagan and placed her in your arms so others may see what God is doing not just for Reagan, but for others to pray and to place all their hope, faith, love and trust in Him alone. I believe Reagan is a witness for Almighty God!

  3. karen katulka

    June 10th, 2014 at 8:48 pm

    Love you guys and am so thankful that Reagan is a Wurzel!
    Praying for all babies (like the one in the orphanage) who are abandoned or forgotten. It’s heartbreaking.

    Love you guys so much! xoxo

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